My latest Fatherhood-101 experience had me attempting to put together, with Calder’s assistance, an Apache helicopter snap on model. I bought it as a birthday present for him last month. I hadn’t put together a model in probably 30 years but was confident that this project would go smooth. Heck, the box said for ages 8 and up so how hard could it be? Directions? Who needs ‘em? Well, after about 30 minutes, I needed them. A word of warning for those putting together a snap on model, DO NOT PULL APART THE PIECES BEFORE READING THE DIRECTIONS. I thought pulling the pieces from the holder and setting them aside would make things easier but little did I realize that each piece had a number associated with it on the holder and the directions referred to everything by number. I was pretty much working blind in determining which was which. Setting a great example, eh? Many of the parts were so little and so similar looking; I wasn’t sure if they were pieces or just spare plastic. After a few trial and error attempts, it finally came together although I had to use the end of an incense stick for the propeller prop because I broke off the original piece for it. Nice.
Trail Head