Rather than "Money," Al's new boat should now be called "The Machine." At least he should go by that moniker. The man is on fire on the Badwater Bass circuit as he had his five keepers in about an hour and a half Saturday morning on the Portage Chain of Lakes in Pinckney. His first mate (me), roughly ten feet away from the guy catching all the fish, wasn't as lucky. Fifteen or so fish for one guy and one stinking rock bass for the other. I have no alibi; I threw exactly where I wanted to go and was using the same ammunition as Al. I just didn't get it done. Loser! Ha. Al was the exception for the overall totals as he was the only one to hit his limit. Doke had a nice three-plus pounder, however, there was no big fish kitty collected. All was not lost for his efforts though as he got third place points and some prize money.
The lakes themselves (we fished Portage Lake and Little Portage) get a three on a scale of five. There are definitely fish to be had in there but they lose big points for having a boat launch that doesn't open until 8 AM. What's with that? I am assuming the DNR booth guy goes on a bender every Friday night so he doesn't get up when the rooster does. Who knows? I do know people like to fish when the sun comes up and you can't do that in Pinckney.
Trail Head