Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Great Wall of Frankfort

Project number 58 was completed this weekend as I can now walk out on my patio in my boxers and not give a fashion show to the neighbors.
OCD Tim thought he measured enough to make everything fit where it needs but apparently I was off in one section as the circular saw made an appearance (and some cuss words) late in the process.
Trail Head


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Tim the Influencer

Look out Kardashian family as there is another influencer in the social media world. Unbeknownst to me but a friend sent me the attached picture from a popular social media site. A 'chasing the 80's' group within the site adorned my picture for a suggested topic/group to follow. I didn't submit said picture to the group so apparently they pulled it from here, which is fine.
My date that day, Desiree, has more influencer pull than me I would think as she can probably generate a boner army quite quickly with that tan and hair. Influence on Desiree, wherever you are.
Trail Head

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Mourning in the front, Jazzercise in the rear

For those individuals who must get their workout in but recently lost a loved one, a place up the road from me allows you to do both in the same building! The local cremation and funeral service establishment recently added a crossfit operation to the rear portion of the building.
Hopefully the walls separating the two are soundproof as I can picture a moment of silence going on in the front as a faint "get those legs up ladies!!!" is heard from the rear.
Trail Head
funeral/cremation in the front

crossfit in the rear