Sunday, August 18, 2024

Deer Hunter II

Scratch deer hunting off of Bird's future occupation as the attached confirms. A baby deer approached her this past Friday for what looked like a possible play date but...
Trail Head

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Deer Hunter

If I can get the initial barking down a bit upon seeing them, I believe Bird may have a future deer hunting as they seem to congregate (had a family of five in the front yard the other day) when she's taking her morning whiz. The barking I assume is due to what her pea brain believes is a very large dog and from the deer's perspective, they probably think they are seeing a baby black bear. 
Trail Head

Sunday, August 4, 2024

BIrd's Beau

Bird had a play date yesterday with Leo. An older man at 8 months old, Leo's interests are long walks along the beach, chasing tennis balls (and his tail), dragging his owner this way and that, drinking out of the toilet bowl, sniffing rear ends, wading in the river, long naps, morning stretches, eating whatever is presented, barking at air, hiding shoes, dune climbing, listening to classic rock, party planning, working out at the gym, John Grisham novels and elegant dining.
Overall, I think the date went well although Bird told me marriage is not her thing and will see how it goes.
Trail Head