Sunday, October 27, 2024

Dog Party

Bird had some social time Friday evening as a local establishment held a 'Pumpkins and Pups' gathering. Costumes were optional for the dogs but I have to wrestle Bird just to get her harness on so a costume was not going to happen. Some good butt sniffing for all who attended. Bird held her #2 in until we were walking to the car and she let go on Main Street; literally on the street. A few elderly ladies walking by got a chuckle watching her lack of discretion.
Trail Head

Sunday, October 20, 2024

The many poses of Bird (mostly playing dead)

In celebration of Bird's six months on earth this past week, I give you a glimpse of her many poses.  I think she has the 'playing dead' pose down.
Trail Head

"get that camera away from me, trying
to get my 18 hours of sleep here"

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Wish Granted

The one thing lacking around this area is a good pizza as many try but it isn't up to par compared to establishments down state, specifically Buddy's. Well, someone was listening as I walked by the freezers in the local supermarket the other day and shining through with harps playing as I opened the door was the attached. An actual restaurant serving it hot out of the oven would be ideal but beggars can't be choosers so I'll take it.
Trail Head

Sunday, October 6, 2024


This week/weekend was homecoming at the local school which meant the annual tradition of high school/college alumni coming back to town (do people really make a point to come home because it's homecoming?), cast ballots for the homecoming court (the precursor for school students to display 'vote for' election signs so they can do it when they are older and able to vote and put similar signs in their yard for presidential elections), the homecoming dance (an opportunity for parents to take uncomfortable pictures of their kids with their dates) and the homecoming parade (the tradition of people in cars waving at people lining the streets waving back at them); all leading up to a football game. There is never a homecoming for the spelling bee or the science fair. No love for our future difference makers. One homecoming tradition I believe they can do without is the homecoming floats as they are more or less fillers for the parade. I get it in that it's supposed to build comradery within classmates in working together but it ends up being a few people doing the actual work and based on the attached pictures, it looks like a few classes found out at the last minute they had to present something.
Happy Homecoming.
Trail Head

not sure exactly the theme here - a chair and a bent 
Christmas tree - go Lily and Dylan!

at least the Freshmen got the point of 
calling out the football team's opposition

prop a crapper up on a trailer and 
surround it with wrapping paper

maybe it was my angle but not sure 
what to make of this one - no idea