With the mountain biking season pretty much over this year (might catch one more ride, who knows?), rather than writing about bike trails, I thought I’d write movie reviews for kid flicks, as I’ve seen in recent months: Beverly Hills Chihuahua, High School Musical 3, and Madagascar 2. They were all good movies in their own way (HSM3????) but nothing could top the movie we saw last Friday, Bolt (in 3-D). All I can say is wow on how cool a 3-D movie is these days. I can remember seeing 3-D flicks way back when with the paper blue/red shades. The movies usually blew with maybe a couple of scenes that had objects jumping out at you. This flick was 3-D everything. As a bonus, the movie was good. I’d see it again with or without the youngsters in tow (they look pretty cool in the shades, eh?).
Trail Head