The trails were in peak condition tonight at Brighton Recreation Area. The quick rain that came through about 4 o'clock packed the trails down real nice. The best part of the evening, however, was that I got that darn Amy Grant song out of my head. During each ride, you get some funky thoughts (i.e., damn that spring break in '85 was fun) during the hour plus pedal but you also get some songs in there that either aid you up that hill or drive you frickin' nuts because you can't get them out of your head. Well, a couple weeks back, I was working at an office that had Muzak playing above. With that, "Baby, Baby" by Amy Grant must have been on right before I was leaving. The entire ride I was ready to slam my head against a tree just to rid myself of it. Torture, pure torture.
I made sure I had some Seger on before the ride tonight. It worked. Thanks Bob.
Trail Head