Monday, May 28, 2012

Opening Day - Badwater Bass Club - Watkins Lake

The Club (nice sponsor/ad placement there)
Opening day, it doesn't get any better. Just like baseball, the Badwater Bass Club's opening day is a dawn of a new era with a clean slate for everyone, even 2011 basement dwellers Raj and myself. At 6 AM on Watkins Lake yesterday morning, I was in a 16-way tie for first place. After a pretty productive spring training, this is going to be the year when I make the standings!
After catching my limit (way to put us on the fish Captain Doke), the victory cigar was ready to come out. Even though Al also got his limit in our boat and had more overall poundage, the top four spots get points and a fourth place/one point finish would have suited me just fine. This was going to be the day.
Well, guess who got fifth? Oh, so close. Like Ricky Bobby says though, "If you ain't first, you're last." We're just going to have to try a little harder next weekend at Pettibone Lake. 
A fine lake Watkins was is in terms of production though. With the Bass Club rule change this year to only include bass species, it was ironic that there were so many pike being caught yesterday.
An exciting season it will be.
Trail Head