I wonder if Kevin VanDam ever experienced on the tour what we did Wednesday night in the third session of the Badwater Bass Club at Pontiac Lake? I am thinking
he’s seen a few party barges in his day but the ESPN cameras just didn’t capture it.
We had it all out there. Ninety-plus degrees? Check. Everybody and their brother
out on the lake on a Wednesday evening? Check. People with their shirt off who should be leaving their shirt on? Check.
It sure didn't feel like a Wednesday as the surrounding boats were partying like it was 1999 while we were "jonezen" for yet another 13 ¾ inch inch bass. When it was all said and done, 2011 Pontiac Lake
champion Al C. again took home the big fish and most poundage. That new boat is paying big dividends for A.C.
Jim M. repeats at Pettibone, A.C. repeats at Pontiac Lake; it should be an interesting session a week from Saturday at Lake St. Clair.
Trail Head
winner, winner |
Jim saluting the fish |