This past Memorial Day weekend, I was in Canada visiting my old neighbors there, Tom, Judy and Jen W. We were catching up and the topic lead to motorcycles (Tom has one). I mentioned my spring tune-up from hell for my two-wheeler this year. I won't go into detail on said tune-up from hell as nobody wants to hear a rant. One offshoot of the tune-up once everything was finally completed, however, was that my 'check oil level' light came on even though the oil level was not low (the bike had the same problem when I first got it). Jen jokingly said to just put some tape over it and the problem is gone. Once I got back to the States, I sent her the attached picture with the caption, 'fixed.'
Fast forward to yesterday when I rode the bike for the first time since sending the 'electrical tape over the check oil level light' picture. The 'check oil level' light is really off now; no tape needed. Thanks for the tip Jen W.
Trail Head