While I have a simple 'NO SOLICITORS' sign on my front door, my mom has taken the process of advising said solicitors that she means it up a notch by the attached sign on her front porch. I especially like the "SHIT WILL GET REAL" notation as I don't think I've ever heard those words from her mouth and visualizing her saying it makes me laugh as she is not one to ever cuss.
And I would be remiss to not advise of the crazy dog (singular) that will most definitely be barking and yes, everyone will get annoyed. The crazy dog that will be barking regardless if you knock or ring the door bell (the barking will start when you pull in the driveway) is none other than the one foot high by two foot long ball of fur named 'Cosmo'. A rescue dog that my mom has had for about a decade now. Cosmo LOVES my mom but has a bi-polar thing for everyone else. He'll jump in your lap and be a happy dog but as you walk away, he'll dig those tiny, yet VERY sharp, teeth into your ankle. My mom has tried every type of treatment known to man to try and correct it but we've just come to the point of being okay with wearing shoes in the house and watching for the fur ball as you walk away.
Good dog.
Trail Head