Sunday, July 7, 2019

Rain Ride; fun but don't tell anyone

Let me preface this entry in noting that yes, this scribe has pedaled his bicycle during a downpour; proof noted below back around 2012. We had no intentions of riding in the rain that day but Michigan weather as it always does, throws a rain cloud out of nowhere and....hello rain.
This entry is to warn you that while I don't condone it, if Mother Nature changes and you ever happen to ride in the rain, do not in any way attempt to put it on social media that you did as while the mountain bike community is a cool one, there are a select few that are a bit...fickle. A word I've never used on here but I think it fits. The trail huggers will hug their trail and take vengeance out on those that try to hurt said trail. 

You can't fault the trail coordinators as the signs are there, however.....

The fun starts with a simple post by a rider on a trail condition forum. Not me but someone who is asking for a public flogging.

The trail coordinator jumps in to defend their trail and the guilty party blames it on the others. How American.

The moral to the story, enjoy your mud ride if you must but don't tell anyone.
Trail Head