Saturday, May 2, 2020

Trail Showcase - Hines Park

As folks are eager to get out and divorce attorneys are getting prepped for extra business from married folks having to be together a bit too long in one place, a good time to utilize the helmet cam to showcase the local mountain bike trails in SE Michigan and maybe save a few marriages in urging folks to get out and enjoy the many parks we have at our disposal in this part of the state.
The helmet cam will feature other local trails in the upcoming weeks.
Today's trail showcase is Hines Park in Wayne County, specifically the Lakeview and Riverview trails within the park.

There are two that I know of, one off of Hines Drive just east after the I-275 underpass. The Lakeview trailhead marker is there with the trail heading east towards the Riverview trail.
The other is at the intersection of Newburgh and Ann Arbor Rd, kitty corner from the Lake Pointe Yacht Club (good food there). This is where the Riverview trailhead resides. The trail heads east from there.

The views for one. I made an attempt to get the video in before the trees bloomed as the lake/river views are quite beautiful. Everyone harps on the Rouge River and yes, it has it's flaws (check out the LeDuff Rouge River canoe trip on YouTube if you get a chance), but the contained lake that was created from the river that became Newburgh Lake was cleaned up and is quite an asset to the park now.
Other positives are for the beginner riders as it's not a back breaker and not very long. Those looking to put in the miles can loop it twice and enjoy the views even more.

It's a beautifully designed trail with the limited territory available along the lake and river, however,  with the limited territory, parts of the trail are two way traffic so HEADS UP!!!  I see a beginner rider  with A.D.D. enjoying the views while hardcore, spandex-addicted rider barrels into them.
Trail Head