Sunday, August 9, 2020

Trail Showcase - Pinckney Recreation Area

The helmet cam today takes us to the suburbs of Ann Arbor, an area so pompous (with the university nearby), it has street signs blue and yellow instead of the standard green and white (a nudge to their friends down the road in East Lansing). Bitterness aside, today we venture to Pinckney Recreation Area, home of the 17 mile Potawatomi Trail. A quest through the hills of hell (that have seen their better days; lot of erosion), many bridges, a couple prairies and many many roots/rocks to navigate through, it isn't for the leisure rider. The park also has shorter loops via the Crooked Lake and Silver Lake Trails; although even those have their difficult moments. 

The park resides about 10 miles west of US-23 via North Territorial Rd (for those coming from the east) to Dexter Townhall Rd, north to the park entrance. Riders share the parking lot with the beach-goers at Silver Lake, a beautiful lake and a treat to jump into after a long ride. 

For the hardcore rider, the trail has everything. Some of the hills are impossible in my eyes to climb but assume there are riders out there who don't leave their pedals the entire ride. I did my share of walking up hills during the ride. The trail has it's share of hills, however, most can be conquered by pedaling, rather than coasting, on the downhills to get momentum up to the next hill. Always be looking ahead and you won't have too many issues getting through it.
It is a beautiful park/forest with lake views at various portions of the trail.
A great sense of accomplishment after finishing with the lake jump in front of you afterwards.

As noted above, the old lady has taken a bit of wear over the years and is showing it. I don't dare mention it on the trail condition sites as the too-tight-spandex-riding mafia might call me out. "How dare you want to alter our trail!!!"  Lighten up Francis.

(put quality settings to 1080hd for best picture quality)

Trail Head