Saturday, November 30, 2024

Training Day(s)

Being in the remote area I reside (which I immensely enjoy), I was accepting of the fact that I would probably be home training my dog Bird via some YouTube videos but while walking her a few weeks back, I came upon a group of people looking onto Betsie Bay. It turns out it was the Benzie Audubon Club who were observing some birds that morning. One guy who Bird greeted with her normal, overly excited nature mentioned that his wife held a dog training class a few towns away. With that, Bird is in class.
Two weeks in, we've worked on ensuring the dog stays in line while walking, sitting, laying down, getting eye contact, leaving unwanted objects, staying and coming. Bird is coming along well but still has to work on giving everyone she meets a double high five greeting with her front paws. 
A gold star to instructors Pat and Irene in keeping these furry ones in line.
Trail Head
instructor Pat instructing

Bird looking to Bo for guidance