Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chip River Float - domestic bliss gone bad

Floating down a river with friends on a beautiful late summer afternoon, how much better could it get? It was utopia for some, hell for others as the five of us witnessed.
The story begins as we hit the canoe livery in Mt. Pleasant at around 11 AM Saturday morning to descend on our 2 1/2 hour ("projected time") float. We'll get back to that topic in a moment. There was another group of four, two couples, also heading out at the same time. The party must have started early for them that morning as they were....hammered! The one guy had gone to Buzztown and back it seemed. He had death in his eyes as he was talking to Al. So the float starts and we separate from them for awhile while we slowed down to fish. An hour or so passes and we see the one couple's canoe flipped (pictured) and they are cussing up a storm at each other. The "F" bombs were aplenty. The girl ended up jumping in another canoe and I wouldn't be surprised if the guy is still floating down the river. Good entertainment there.
yep, that canoe is submerged
The other entertainment was of course the fishing. Chippewa River veteran Jim D. slapped on the waders, walked the river, and put on a clinic on how to work the river holes. So with the fish hitting and the people watching better than a Judge Judy episode, our "projected" 2 1/2 hour float turned into a 6 hour experience. No complaints as you couldn't have asked for better day. Well, I guess the two pictured here might have a few of them.
Trail Head
