Yes, Super Bowl weekend had a little of everything; and yes, we all were a little pooped today at work; however, to trade that much fun for a little tiredness in the cubicle-world, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
The events started late Friday as '84 graduate and Sons of Liberty member Buddy D. was inducted into the Milford Hall of Fame. There to salute him was what seemed like about a quarter of the '84 graduating class with a sprinkle of '85-ers (the greatest class) mixed in to keep the party lively. Keith had the line of the night when he said "How can a football team that won one game have three guys in the hall?" I was scratching my head on that one also; however, Buddy was also one of the better wrestlers in the state. Kudos to you Buddy!
After the Friday toasting activities, it was out to Hartland on Saturday to see the most dangerous band in SE Michigan. I would call them the Leechbombs but I think they might be evolving into a new name or splitting into two bands (stirring the gossip line today). Who knows as this band is continuously looking for ways to improve. In for a tryout Saturday was Gordie M. Gordie could cut a mean Alice Cooper's "Be My Lover" back in his Milford Lanes/Norton's Landing lounge singing days. The band actually sounded pretty well as Keith's son James brought an element that had been lacking, a drummer. A real drummer. The evolution of my harmonica playing is coming along VERY slowly; however, you can get quite a head rush while trying to play the Romantics.

For about the last ten or so years, Super Bowl Sunday morning has been a time for ice fishing. Yeah, not going to happen this year. I tried to rally the troops to head to the Huron River for a float but could not find any takers. I wasn't going to let a beautiful day go to waste so off to the water I went! I didn't catch or let alone see a fish but no regrets. A utopic float it was.
The weekend was complete of course with the Super Bowl itself. Jeff and Shauna S. put on a great gathering with some good eats. I almost was awake for the entire game this year but come fourth quarter, it was not to be as my bedroom television woke me up at 2 AM. So close. The wagering (not for money, of course - ha) was not good to me as the teams just couldn't get to my square numbers and the poker gods were not with me. I guess I can lay claim to the Foosball and ping pong championships.

Flashing back to Friday afternoon, I had a feeling that the weekend was going to be a good one right from the start. I was fortunate enough to get out of work a bit early and had some time to kill before heading up to the high school. With that, I went to the Comeback Inn for a beverage. Before I walk in, I text Al and Jim, advising that if they are in the area to stop on up. I walk in the door, there is Al and Jim. Crazy.
Trail Head
LOSER!!!!! |
Doke doing his Levon tribute |
pride of South Hill Rd. |