This weekend's project involved pulling the glued-on mirrors from the bathrooms. I don't know how we lived without it but thank you to the participants on the You Tube channel offering advice on my latest project. A heating tool, duct tape, a pack of wood shims, a small hammer and some patience was all that were needed for the project.
Trail Head
A heating tool is not required but ideal.
Wood shims are available at the local hardware store and pretty inexpensive for the most part.
Give the mirror a good dose of duct tape in case of cracks during the pull process. If available, give the heating tool a loop around the mirror for a bit. Start putting in the wood shims until you hear the mirror start to pull away from the glue (you will literally hear a pulling sound from the mirror).
I was fortunate on one mirror that popped out quite efficiently but the other not so much. Thankfully the new mirrors will be mounted and not glued so the under-ugliness will be hidden.
efficient mirror pull |
not an efficient mirror pull |