Besides Michigan State's "prevent the win" defense in the loss to Iowa Saturday night, I have no complaints whatsoever about this weekend. Nancy and her son Jaime (the "J" sounds as an "H") came down for some road construction appreciation. I got my fanny kicked in Xbox against Jaime, we all had lunch at Hooters (good times for a 13 year old, no it was not my idea) and caught a flick at the Emagine theater. To top everything off, the sun came out for a bit today and I dusted off my motorcycle (ashamed of my riding effort this year) for a leisure ride through Hines Park. With fall pretty much at peak around here, the colors were outstanding. A whole bunch of motorcycle-ers, bicycle-ers, joggers, pet walkers, hangers, and picnic-ers out there. We'll take these days when we can get them, eh?
How about Michigan and Michigan State in the Little Caesars' Bowl this year? The ugly versus the ugly. CMU is the best team in the state right now and honestly deserves a better bowl than that. There is my commentary for today (bonus).
Trail Head