Christmas, part II, was spent with my parents on the 28th. They had just returned from visiting my sister in Brazil (average temperature right now is about 80 - I could take a couple days of that). It sounded like they had a good time although my Dad broke his hand while out there. He's a tough cookie so he'll be fine. 
Nancy and I put on our black tie attire for New Year's eve. We were the only ones dressed up but it didn't matter. It was kind of fun getting all dolled up. We met up with the Munson's and Ochs' for dinner at Cinco Lagos in Milford before heading over to the Gustafson's party. Good eats at Cinco Lagos, even for a finicky eater like myself. And I didn't even have the chicken! I was close though. We were on the road before midnight struck but quite honestly, the 12 o'clock countdown doesn't get me going like it once did. Once Dick Clark had the stroke, the thrill was gone.
The finale to the holiday celebration was the annual sausage gathering for bowl game watching/poker playing on the 1st. It was a bonus that it fell on a Friday this year. I enjoyed hanging with the fellas, consuming some White Castles, chicken wings, and a few (well, maybe three) cold beverages. Of course, we ALL broke even in cards.
Thanks to everyone for your tax dollars this past year. We hope to pay you back someday.
Hello 2010!
Trail Head