Sunday, March 14, 2010

GR - Big Balls and Butterflies

Grand Rapids was the venue this past weekend as Nancy and I got to experience (been awhile for me) the city on the river. I've always had fun in this town. I love all the reconstructed warehouses downtown but I had one minor complaint on this tour. A little break on the parking please? Tough love paying $5 to park for lunch. I guess I need some more GR experience to find the bonus spot. We eventually learned the trick of the trade and got a freebie Saturday night.
It was tourist mode 101 Saturday morning at the Grand Rapids Public Museum. They had a bug exhibit (love those screaming kids) which we chose to pass but the basics in the museum were pretty cool with some nice west Michigan history. The big chair and table on top of the bridge (pic below) was a nice visual from inside.
The tour moved on to the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park later in the afternoon. The big horse was quite big indeed, eh? It was at this location that my camera decided to take a dive with respect to battery power. I worked my battery spinning expertise that I learned from my Action Jackson figurines (not dolls) as a child and was able to resurrect the camera and catch some cool shots at the butterfly exhibit. Butterflies everywhere and some great people watching to boot.
The day concluded with dinner at San Chez, a small plate type (Tapas?) restaurant downtown. The bacon loin and lamb received high marks in my book. But yes, I did have chicken also.
Mountain bike season is near!
Trail Head