It was not your average Father's Day this year. I've always had dreams of it but today it happened and I'm glad my dad, mom, Nancy, and Jeff Beck (played a mean national anthem) were there to share it with me. With one on and nobody out in the bottom of the seventh, Brennan Boesch jacked a homer to the exact location I was sitting in right field. Right off the bat you could see it had a chance that it was going to come our way and about three seconds later, here it was coming and I was ready to crap my pants. I have always seen others on television making their lame attempts to catch and throwing high fives afterwards (sad). I always envisioned that I was going to catch it, be Mr. Suave, and acknowledge the fellow fans around me like the Fonze. If it was the opponent's homer, I was going to catch it and throw it back onto the field. Well, I must say the adrenalin rush is so much when you get the ball that it's pretty much impossible to be Mr. Suave and when the fans around you are throwing up their hands, you slap them. The guy in the row in front of me even bought me a beer. It you check the attached link at about the 13 second mark (commercial first), after they show Boesch running the bases, there is my large mug with a grin and my dad to the right, who I think was even happier than I was.