The Bass Club was off to Howell this past Sunday under outstanding weather conditions. The humidity is quite refreshing at 5:30 in the morning at the boat launch. When it was all said and done, I was witness to the pride of Burwood Lane, Al C., as he narrowly beat out Doke and Gus for biggest stringer and walloped the field for biggest fish (slight exaggeration, nice fish but only 2 lbs). I had a first as Al and I maxed out on fish production. Sound the trumpets! We even had to throw one back late in the game because the pink wacky worm had brought in another. No skunks for anyone out there and that makes for a great day on the water.
Said writer was so close to getting a point this week but it was not to be. I think we should get a side pool going as to when Raj and I will get our first points for the season. With only two sessions left, I think the bets would probably be a "yeah" or "nay" on getting ANY point, eh?. As Raj would say, "we have to keep hitting them over the head." That is fishing 101 right there. Let the wagers begin!
Fish on.
Trail Head
Crazy Chester Captain Al C. |