Friends gathered Saturday evening at the Gus residence for laughs, beverages, eats, more beverages, gifts, more laughs, more beverages, and yes, more laughs. And yes, we were being responsible as most of us stayed local or had a DD. With that, bring on the jello shots! Thumbs up to Katie for that staple at the annual gathering. With the booze and lure theme that seems to have taken over the dude side of the gift exchange (never any complaints on either), there wasn't any shortage of Beam or pink Yamamoto lures in the house. There was a partial re-gift by yours truly as Jim D. received the blow up doll that Al gave me a few years back. I was cleaning my house a couple weeks ago and that thing was crammed in a closet (no, I did not use the doll!). I'm not really sure who gave the doll to Al but it makes for some good giggles.
The weekend wasn't over for Doke and I after the Saturday celebration was complete. There was one more Lion game in our ticket package so slowly, the train got moving on Sunday morning towards Ford Field. After the Lions got up 21-0 in the first quarter, I was ready to sit back in my seat and enjoy an ass whooping. But, no!!! Our all-world defensive line wasn't looking so all-world. The Vikings should have won that one but we'll take the W. There definitely wasn't a shortage of Viking fans in the house as I saw a skinny Favre, a fat Favre, a female Favre, and a baby Favre. A passionate fan base they are.
A happy holiday to all.
Trail Head