While 2012 Angler of the Year Al was off in Ireland on an autograph tour, the remaining members of the fishing posse headed north to Lake St. Helen in the final session of the bass tour this weekend. Even with Al clinching, there was money to be had out there. Did I mention we were fishing?
I have unfortunately moved to a trend I'd like to kick. The "lack of fish" epidemic is on me. It must be that new Asian Carp cologne that I started wearing (ha). I should be known as "dash" as that is what my Badwater scorecard has looked like the last four sessions. Sad! As someone once said though, the worst fishing day is better than the best work day so all is not lost. I got to witness Lake St. Helen veteran Slick show the world how to work the weed beds. 2011 Angler of the Year Greg V. took the final session big stringer and big fish for the season and John O. took the poker winnings in the pre-fish festivities Friday night. Your welcome John.
A fine season it was.
Trail Head
chilly start Saturday morning |
sweet fish pose |
lot of dashes there |
winner winner Chicken... |
Friday night catch |