The 45-15 plan, going to school all year round but getting a three week break every nine weeks. The rationale for the plan was that students tend to forget a lot during the summer break, so a shorter time away from school might increase retention rates. This is what a majority of the Tipsico Lake Rd./M-59 corridor kids did at Highland Elementary to offset their learning deficiencies (ha) while the tough-minded, Hickory Ridge corridor kids went the standard 180 days with spring and summer break mixed in at Apollo Elementary.
All kidding aside, this entry goes out to two of those 45-15-er's who were in the headlines recently. Jim was literally in the headlines as he made the cover of The Central Line, a publication created by the Professional Ski Instructors of America. That is him in the red cruising down the hill somewhere out west.

Gus, on the other hand, got himself a nice eight-point buck at his annual hunt in Wyoming with the Dunham contingent. The girth on that deer should feed the Gus posse for some time.
Nice job 45-15-er's; take a three week break for old time's sake!
Trail Head
EDITORS NOTE: Some information was brought to my attention after this was posted in that Jim did indeed go to Highland Elementary, however, he was not part of the 45-15 program there. I thought everybody at Highland was on that program so my bad. You learn something new every day.