Sunday, January 11, 2015

Way Back Machine - Soda Pop Purchases

The way back machine today takes us to the 80's when driving dirt roads with the radio loud was the thing to do. The attached picture looked much different than at the time but it was our place to buy soda pop as underage idiots. You wouldn't want to buy anything else there as everything had dust or freezer burn. You were served either by the owner who had a few soda pops in him most of the time, the grandma who had coke bottle glasses or the son who couldn't care less. Regardless of who was working, you had to have something to present when buying your soda pop and that was where being born in '67 had its benefits. I'm not sure if it was Matt B. or Tony H. who flaunted their ID edit first in the MHS cafeteria one spring day but we were probably the reason that the new IDs are pretty much impossible to alter; a seven could become a two quite easily back in '85. With that, five dollars a dude for the pops, a drive north into the country to the store and you had yourself a party on the road!!!
On the subject of IDs, I'd like to thank D. Carlock and T. Shaw for letting me be them as well back in the 80's (ha).
Trail Head