fortunate to play with the Leechbombs back in December |
While I don't think John Popper or "Magic Dick" from The J. Geils Band have anything to worry about on losing their crown as kings of the harmonica world, I have utilized the Internet this winter and attempted to teach myself the harp. Some history of my musically talented family is in order before I go further. There is no history of my family being musically talented as we were as musically declined as they came. My dad's Aunt Freda I guess was the shining star as she taught piano lessons downtown back in the day. With that, we used to have family sing-a-longs (no lie) around the piano at Aunt Freda's. No amount of beautiful piano playing could have drowned out the Reeves Quintet sound.
Back to the harp lessons, while it is a work in progress, my catalog so far consists of: Happy Birthday, Hey Jude (very very rough), Silent Night (did a mean rendition of that to my friend Susan's phone over xmas and her kids didn't believe it was me; tough crowd), America the Beautiful (easy song), Imagine (yep, rough), Piano Man (not bad but pretty easy), Good Girls Don't (work in progress), Love Me Do (sometimes really good, sometimes really bad), Mary Jane's Last Dance (easy), You Don't Know How It Feels (easy) and trying but not succeeding with some Springsteen (lot of high notes) and the Romantics' What I Like About You.
With a little patience and perseverance, maybe I'll be able to open up for the Leechbombs one day....
Trail Head