If friend Slick ever recommends a band to see, go see that band. Last year it was Samantha Fish; last night it was Albert Cummings and there was no disappointment. Close your eyes and it was Stevie Ray Vaughn making that guitar cry. And that was Jim crying after learning that Raj locked Jim’s keys in his van……..”Thank you for calling AAA, how may we assist you today? Is that you Jim? Locked out again? We’ll be right there” All kidding aside, you can’t blame Jimmy “Keys” for this one and the fellas eventually got back in the van so all was well. I left after the first set as it was past this early riser’s bedtime but the guys tell me the second set was outstanding (of course it was better than the first; my luck, as always).
Happy 51st music aficionado Slick. Keep up the recommendations.
Trail Head