Sunday, October 14, 2018

Best (powderpuff) Football Team Ever

In the spirit of autumn and homecoming, we go back 35 years ago this month (been around awhile) that the best collection of powderpuff football players were assembled at Milford High. It was "flag football" in print but there was some intense football from the female side going on; so much they stopped playing it after the game of the century in 1983. Coaching the dream team was yours truly, Gus and Rob. I'm going off of memory on this but don't think we had more than two practices in preparation for the showdown. We took down the sophomores and the seniors took down the freshmen in the qualifying games which led to the super showdown. 
I give the coaching accolades to Rob as he had a simple game plan; give the ball to Dana McD and EVERYONE sweep left or right with a pass or reverse being the only other plays. Get in the way of the others in grabbing the flag with pushing and shoving encouraged. In others words, keep it simple. The juniors we were coaching adopted the team name of B.A.B. (bad ass bitches) and our offensive and defensive lines were just that. These ladies pushed some people out of the way. There was pride on the line and with that, some serious collisions with no pads in place. The seniors were so jealous of the thrashing going on and wouldn't be outdone in the championship game as they taped E.B.B. (even badder bitches) on their jerseys. This scribe won't comment on the holding that took place to prevent the dream team from winning the fictitious world championship Redskin Powderpuff trophy but will always know who was the better team.
Trail Head