Sunday, May 5, 2019

Mud, Sweat & Beers - good karma, a great pedal and a waste of trinkets

anyone need a belt buckle?
Karma was sent my way Saturday morning at the Mud, Sweat & Beer mountain bike race. The body was not ready for the ride as April showers around the "D" left minimal time for this rider to get in riding shape to tackle the Widow-maker hill that had me walking off the bike the last two years. 
While getting the bike out of the truck Saturday, a mother and sister combo with infant in tow were in the process of hoofing their stroller more or less down the side of a ski hill where the festivities were taking place. Good Samaritan Tim to the rescue as that toddler had A-1 service in getting down the hill to safety.  I don't know what it was but my old ass back that was crying that morning was pain free for the 13 mile race and I ended up taking third in my old man age group. I even made it up the Widow-maker hill without walking the bike. Karma for a good deed done I guess. 
The back pain after, however, was another matter. I still feel it as I write this today as it is more or less Fred Sanford with the lean forward. It will subside though.
On another matter are the trinkets passed out to the riders at registration this year. In the packet was your riding plate, the customary drinking glass; up to 20 ounces this year versus the standard pint.  If anyone needs a glass, send me a line as I have way too many in my possession. The last item in the trinket packet was a first for me in my short racing career but have to think was someone in the thankless job of planning the event decided that....belt buckles would be a great item for riders to cherish for years and years. I am going to be the envy of everyone at the office Monday with that flaunted proudly from my belt. Again though, a thankless job planning such a large event and besides the belt buckle, I had a great time. 
Below is a short mix of a great day for riding, a beautiful view onto Grand Traverse Bay prior to the final descent, some helmet cam video bombs by the event volunteers, a successful climb up the Widow-maker hill along with a handful of 'Milford' shout outs as I had a Milford jersey on.
Trail Head