Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Fat Tire Slalom - New Olympic Sport

That's right, the next Winter Olympics will have a new sport on a trial basis, fat tire downhill slalom racing. 
Olympic sport kidding aside, that was the scene this past Sunday at the Pine Knob Winter Carnival as I got an offer from my mountain bike patroller group to give downhill fat tire riding a try. The resort owner was looking for alternative ways of getting more moo-la and our group got some nice exposure at no cost. We were only on the bunny hill and not breaking any land speed records but what a thrill. No hike-a-bike either as you could pedal along the motorized track up with little effort. I attached a short video below from the helmet cam of my slow speed and a few other riders making the effort.   
U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
Trail Head