Today's helmet cam trail showcase takes us to Highland Recreation Area and the C loop of that trail network. Last count I had were four total loops, A, B, C and D (roughly 16 miles total for the four loops), however, it is one large ass recreation area and wouldn't be surprised of some non-sanctioned loops somewhere in this vast forest, excluding the horse riding-specific trails in there as well.
The video at the bottom was from last week but Amy and Ed P. joined me for another loop on it yesterday for the Milford Bike Fest, corona style (ride the trails but no post ride gatherings; wink wink). All in all, a good showing as we saw quite a few riders out on this beautiful weekend.
It is a bear of a trail and you have to keep aware at all times but I think it's the most beautiful trail in the area. Rolling hills within a thick forest. With pain comes pleasure.
Not really a negative but not a trail for the beginning rider with a chain that is ready to snap (and your chain will get some work) while deep into the B loop and said chain does snap. Riders unaware of the area are in for a long walk back to their vehicles if shi* happens.
Trail Head