Sunday, July 12, 2020

In search of rocking the cradle (and not finding it)

The stay-at-home (or at least try to) order brought about a treat from the junk drawer; the yo-yo. After dusting them off and un-spinning them (need to un-spin to make the yo-yo sleep), I gave each a good throw and got a few sad efforts at "walking the dog" and "sleeping it" but getting the almighty "rocking of the cradle" is near impossible with my motley crew. 
Back in the day they could do it though (queue the way-back-machine). It was 1970-something and there was a yo-yo contest in Highland when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I'm going off of faint memory on it but believe the competition was on the side of a party store off of Milford Road (real classy, eh?). It was more or less a H-O-R-S-E contest with yo-yos. My brother came in third (which got some form of recognition) but he was not happy in not taking the overall trophy so never picked up his consolation yo-yo. Bitter bro.
Enjoy the view of the attached as the editing room makes the 1,000th yo-yo throw look clean (lot of throws). My arm hurts.
Trail Head