Wednesday, May 4, 2022

new neighbors

With new surroundings come new neighbors and so far, so good. 
My immediate neighbor to the north of me is retired veteran Jerry. Still driving at 80+ but haven't seen him out lately so hoping for the best there.  
I share an alley with two other homes (ideal as I don't have to shovel said alley) and met neighbor Jim from said alley last weekend. He's been in town with his family since around 2000. Seems like a good, honest person but not sure what to make of Jim.
To the immediate south I met Emma who was checking up on her place as she and her Farmington family live there part time in the summer and rent out sparingly. The attached 'hippee' sign is her place. "I love Jim Morrison" she said in her thick accent (that I am horrible at placing) after I inquired on the sign.  
Lastly, two doors down is an ideal neighbor for someone who needs their front lawn ripped up. Brent of Brent's Excavating was doing just that this morning. Brent looks like he could be actor Sam Elliott's brother. Good family there.
Trail Head