Sunday, April 23, 2023

one step closer to the Cleaver house

While I don't think I can ever get it to the point of perfection as they did, I had the front walkway to the house put in last week so I can be like the attached Cleaver home and have Harry the Milkman (or whatever his name was) drop off the goods each week on the front porch with June Cleaver greeting him each time with her hair to the nines and her PTA dress looking impeccable; all at 8 in the morning. Did Mrs. Cleaver ever own a pair of jeans, slacks or shorts? I honestly don't recall seeing any of those; always a dress. Too bad the show wasn't made in modern times on cable so Beaver could really get a tongue lashing from June after messing up yet again. "God dammit Beaver, when are you going to get your fu***** shi* together!." I'm going off on a June Cleaver topic but welcome to my home's new front door walkway.
Trail Head