Sunday, January 21, 2024

City Council and throwing rakes

I attended my first local City Council meeting this past week. A definite difference from the downstate city council sessions that were featured on the local news many, many times. There was no yelling, people talking/yelling over one another and no one calling another Shrek. 
The reason for my attendance was two-fold. 
One, I was curious to see what transpired in the meetings and what updates were going to be made in this tiny community. Some good information received.
My second reason was a recommendation I wanted to throw out there to the council with a splash of channeling from my dad. Drivers on my street to the north seem to have no respect for keeping their speed down. Many people and their pets, including some elderly, walk the street quite a bit and the morons cruise with no respect to said walkers. It has me wanting to grab the rake out of my garage and heave it towards said speeding vehicles. Yes, my dad used to do this in my youth. A kid down the street who was guilty of speeding said to me, "your dad is crazy." I replied, "yes, and you'd better slow down or that rake will get you next time." I haven't thrown the rake yet but gave my two cents to the council which it turns out has already been brought up as a concern and they are working towards some speed limit postings. I wanted a speed bump but I'll take what I can get.
Trail Head