Sunday, April 14, 2024

Rehab With a View

Father Time brought me in for another round of rehab as the hips I've learned have arthritis and my  prostate body part has me heading to the john a handful of times each night (I didn't think it was possible to pee that much). While the prostate is being handled with some pills, physical therapy called for the hips, again. I had physical therapy on them about a decade ago and was usually able to get by with some stretching since but they've had their own heartbeat at night lately with the throbbing so off to the local therapist I went. 
Physical therapy around here is handled at the local hospital which resides on a hill overlooking Lake Michigan. The physical therapy equipment is what you'd see in any other location with the rubber balls, stretch bands, mini-stairs and a handful of beds but what a view! While the therapist is pushing you to do one more set of excruciating exercises, you look out at endless blue waters in one window and the Elberta Dunes in another. A good example of pain and pleasure.
Trail Head