Sunday, May 5, 2024

Trailer Time (revisiting my last trailer experience)

My spring project was finalized this week and got a chance to see if this mechanically declined individual didn't screw up assembling a trailer with some boat roller modifications. Thanks to YouTube for the assembly instructions as the trailer had quite a few parts to assemble in addition to brake light installation. While it took me a little longer than the individuals online making it look so easy, I think I did okay. Now it was time to see if it would tow a boat. I was optimistic the trailer would be fine, however, my last time trailering anything didn't work out so well. 
Queue the Way Back Machine to the summer of 1990 (1989?) when yours truly was working one of the many post college jobs until finding my footing in my current career that is going on its 34th year. I worked for an auto rental company. Their niche against the competition was that they would deliver the rental car to you. How was this done with only one employee doing the delivery you may ask. The person delivering the vehicle would  drive the car being rented and tow a very, very small car behind. Something like a Geo Metro as I recall. So one very hot afternoon, yours truly was on his way to delivering a rental going down I-696 right about when rush hour was kicking in. All was well until traffic about 10 cars ahead of me came to a sudden halt for whatever reason. I put the brakes on as everyone else was doing so no issues for anyone in a single car, however, with the Geo Metro in tow for me, when I hit the brakes, the vehicle in tow swung around the car I was driving, went on its side and pulled my vehicle on its side as well. I made the traffic report that day along with a careless driving offense getting attached to my driving record. I remember asking the police officer as I climbed out the window if any other vehicles were impacted. "No, it was just you." Needless to say, that job didn't last long.
Fast forward to yesterday and while my nuts clenched a bit going around some hilly turns, I'm happy to report the trailer successfully made it to the lake without incident. 
Trail Head
also my first boat motor experience - a little
work to do there with a bit too much tilt