Sunday, July 28, 2024


After one too many hunts for missing sandals, boots and sneakers (to name a few), I made another baby proof addition to the house for my child in the form of a gate. We'll see how long it takes her to find a way around it as while she is only a little over three months old, that tiny pea brain of hers can't be stopped when she wants something bad enough.
Trail Head

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Bird's favorite toy (not a toy)

Bird had a penchant for putting her feet into the water bowl while drinking (and knocking it over) which subsequently brought about a large puddle of water in the kitchen so I bought a bowl that supposedly would NEVER spill. It even has a label imprinted on the outside, "NO SPILL BOWL." Bird loves a challenge and while attempting to spill said bowl by dragging it this way and that, she found her favorite toy. Of all the many toys she has at her disposal, running with, pushing and chewing the no spill bowl is the top dog. A video of the bowl in action is at the bottom of this post.
As far as the water bowl dilemma, I ended up putting a large rock in the initial bowl she used and that seems to do the trick.
Trail Head

a girl and her pal

these toys play second fiddle to the bowl

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Extracurricular Expenses - oh those teeth

Prior to getting a dog, I knew there would be some necessary expenses like food, water bowl, toys, heartworm medicine, collar, leash, veterinary visits, poop bags and a crate (it's a cage for god's sake, why do we call it a crate?) to name a few. Due to Bird's outstanding sense of smell and oh so sharp teeth/fangs, I'm now getting into the extracurricular expenses. 
Without tipping it over, she has managed to get into the kitchen garbage can so chalk up a dog-proof can on my bill for one. Second, I am now down two pairs of shorts and one pair of underwear. While on walks or 2 AM potty breaks (yes, I am normally in my undergarments while supervising these), she has a penchant for nipping at your back side with those sharp fangs of hers. I'll refrain from showing the gashes on my calves. 
She turns three months old this upcoming Wednesday. If only it were three years but....what a good dog; most of the time.
Trail Head

gray underwear takes a hit

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Failed Attempt at Boat Dog

From time to time fishing, I would see fishing boats with dogs aboard and think, that would be pretty cool to have your best friend with you while attempting to catch the big one. Well, Bird unfortunately is not going to be one of those dogs. I went to Crystal Lake the morning of the 4th with her in tow, launched the boat into the water, parked the truck, brought her aboard the boat and....overboard she jumped and into the water she went. We didn't even make it out of the boat launch area. The glass half full perspective; she can swim like a champ! I ended up dropping her back home and went out solo. 
Maybe mountain biking will be her specialty but with her penchant for getting distracted when a shiny object is presented during walks and stopping for 10 minutes to chew on them, I'm not too optimistic.
Trail Head
friend Jill C. gave me this 
lifeguard vest but minutes (seconds) after
this photo was taken, it became 
a chew toy as shown below - one of her
favorite toys to chew on now