Sunday, February 2, 2025

New game: "What did Bird chew?"

I've created a new game based on some recent occurrences at the homestead with dog Bird. A few months back I found a black knob with chew marks at the back door. I couldn't place it but it had to be part of something I owned so I put it aside and moved on with life. A few weeks later my two year old dishwasher started leaking at the bottom. Mechanically declined Tim did a thorough inspection of where the leak was coming at and turns out the black knob found its home. Chew marks aside, the knob went back in and no more leaks. 
That solved that mystery, however, I have the attached two chewed up orphans that Bird brought in that need homes. "What did Bird chew?" Hopefully not gas related knobs of some sort or this could be my last post.
Trail Head