It was back in spring training when all was well for the Detroit Tigers.
They had made a couple of trades in the offseason that everybody and their brother thought would have them rolling over every team in the league. With that, we made the wise choice in March to buy tickets to the vital September series versus the Cleveland Indians, in Cleveland, because this series was when we were going to walk into the stadium with our heads high, celebrating our upcoming World Series conquest. Well, it just didn't seem to work out as planned for the Tigers, eh? Rather than first place, we are just trying to stay out of the cellar in the American League Central. We weren't the only ones who had the idea back in March because there were Detroit fans EVERYWHERE in the city.
With me on the trip were Al, Doke, Eddie, and Mike. Our journey started Saturday morning with a visit to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on the shores of Lake Erie. I'm still scratching my head that Cleveland maintains the hall just because a local disc jockey threw out the term "rock and roll." I saw more of a Detroit than Cleveland influence while checking out the exhibits at the place. Heck, the induction ceremonies every year aren't even held in Cleveland so the whole thing is a bit on the odd side.
From there we checked into our hotel and got our second wind for the game and the evening activities. It's funny because we had been to the city a few times before and stayed at the same hotel each time and ended up walking some serious miles to get to the entertainment areas (i.e., bars). While walking to the game, we came upon a slew of bars/restaurants only a few blocks from the hotel that we never knew were there. Live and learn I guess. The game itself was typical of how the Tigers' season has gone. Our ace, Justin Verlander, got hammered and managed to get his league leading 17th loss of the season. Progressive Field, formerly Jacobs Field, is similar to Comerica Park in that there are many areas around the park to walk around and still check out the game. It was a nice night so even though the product on the field was bad, the environment was great. We almost witnessed a cat fight at our seats (pictured below). A lady with her kids approached another lady, apparently thinking that she was sitting in her seats.
It turns out the box office messed up on giving out the wrong seats from a rained out game to one of the ladies. It started out as a heated debate but both parties quickly calmed down. They didn't have to stand up, however, the whole time while they were waiting for the dispute to be settled. Down in front!!! For the seventh inning entertainment, we got to witness the ever-so-exciting ketchup, mustard, and onion race (pictured at bottom), similar to the bagel, donut, danish race at The Palace for Piston games.
After the game we ventured over to a local watering hole, the Harry Buffalo. What a cool name for a bar. It had a great environment with the garage door type glass walls/windows giving us a nice breeze with them open. One of the bartenders was a transplanted Michigander who came over and chatted for a few. I think we were sitting in the Viagra section because there were two couples sitting near us who needed to get a room. A whole bunch of "schmoopy schmoopy" activity going on.
To cap the weekend, while waiting for Ed to pull the car around for the ride home this morning, here comes "Shanequa the Prostitute," dressed in a itty bitty hot pink outfit, walking out the front door of our hotel, apparently just leaving from a busy night's work. I'm sorry the camera wasn't available for that visual.
That is about it for the weekend wrap up. Maybe next year Tigers.