Friday evening was my first Walled Lake fishing experience. The wind that was kicking pretty well during the day died down around 7, I had the Tiger game on the radio and caught a decent size bass so not a bad day's work.
Saturday was the fish-a-palooza. The Huron River out of Milford's Central Park started off the festivities. The locals were advising of trout being out towards Proud Lake and that is where I floated, however, rock bass and about 20
turtles were all I came upon. I did get a nice chuckle at the Asian couple who just couldn't get their canoe to go straight. I think it may have been their first (and last) experience in the canoe world. To their credit though, I didn't see one iota of griping by either party. The more I think about it, I can't say I've ever seen an Asian get upset in a public setting.
The evening fish was out at Dunham Lake. Rob S. let Greg and I use his row boat. The conditions were optimal at the lake of a 1,000 casts but no trophy fish to report. Greg had a nice catch but other than that, our hooks only brought in the children of the fish we were looking for.
The post meal was over at the Crouse chalet as Al smoked up some pork and beef. Good stuff. Eric stopped over and the four of us had some good discussions about the past, present, and future. It's comforting to know that your friends will always be a constant where you can talk about anything and everything and not worry about offending a soul.
Trail Head