Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lion Home Opener - Good Eats - Yep, They Still Suck

The cornbread was there for the taking as I woke up this morning with eternal optimism for the team I am hoping gets to a Super Bowl before the clutching of the chest thing happens for me where my friends are gathered to talk about my life without a Lion's world championship. Thoughts of death aside, the food was delicious at the Ochs' compound as we had a chance to compare homemade, deep fried wings versus the franchise, cookie cutter items from BW-3. Well, I must say, besides having the homemade ones coming straight from the fryer, there really wasn't much of a difference. They were both delicious (the halftime cookies were a treat as well Laura). Oh yes, there was some football today, and yeah, the Lions still blow. By the third quarter, we were already talking draft strategy for 2011 (need a stud linebacker, defensive back or left tackle) and it was only the second game of the year. That is pretty sad.  
Trail Head