Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Fishing Sunday

I've lost count on what the annual Super Bowl fish outing was this year but I guess it doesn't matter as it's all about the people anyway. Eric "von catchem" put on a clinic this year on how to work the tip-up production as he took two pike from the lake. Lee and Rich had the fish viewer stuffed with fish looking to get their picture on the  big screen but none seemed too interested in grabbing the bate (typical Dunham fish....divas). My tip-up threw the flag (makeshift bandanna flag for me) up twice but unfortunately there were no fish at the end on both occurrences.
On the food/grill front, we had a mix of venison, bacon, and hot peppers along with some chicken wings. Good stuff.   On the celebrity angle, we had a rare cameo from "dirt road" Del this year as that was a treat. An hour later, we witnessed his offspring as 3-3-Dave came walking across the lake. Rock on 777 Tipsico!
Happy Super Sunday!
Trail Head