Love thy neighbor. That was written or said by someone who obviously lives on a 600 acre farm in Wyoming with the next house on the road being two miles down. Don't get me wrong, I have good neighbors; they keep their houses up and aren't members of a band so I have no complaints. I do get a chuckle; however, with viewing their intricacies (using fancy words today). I know, we all have our own little quirks. I have the "check for wallet" compulsion when on trips and many (many many) other oddities that my friends and family I'm sure scratch their head over sometimes.
The first picture here was taken a few days ago. Yes, it is April in the D and this family still has their Christmas lights up. I was thinking maybe they just liked the view of the lights each night but they haven't been turned on since early January. They are also king of the "garage door must be closed at all times" fad. You open it up for a walk to the mailbox, come back, door down. Great people though. If I could only remember their names as my Dale Carnegie class seems to have failed me. The "Hi Tim" greetings from them are returned with a "How you doing?" reply from yours truly. Maybe I'll catch a break and overhear them talking to other neighbors and pick up the name. I wouldn't revert to such sneaky tactics but it's way too late in the game for "What were your names again?"
"Love" thy neighbor though? I don't see me inviting them over for dinner and vice-versa I'm sure so I think I'll leave it at "admiring" thy neighbor.
Trail Head