Sometimes the fishing gods make you work a bit more for your take. This weekend at the Mother Cup on Lake Skegemog was one of those weekends. In place of blue skies and sun block of previous years, we had every layer on in the duffel bag and then some. It was just plain raw out there. Even the golf outing was a fight. The weather, however, didn't stop the 2010 boat captain of the year, Jim M., from a repeat performance. Jim's 35 total pounds for the tournament were second most since Tommy's 38 back in 2009. Better yet, he was on the defending champion Seadog team. I could tell a nice story of how it was a back and forth battle between the teams but the Dogs took a three pound lead after the first session and never looked back for the victory. Some laughed at Jim's floating/jigging technique early on but once Sunday morning rolled around, there we all were floating right alongside him. Jim's boat took three of the four sessions (of course, I was with him when he missed the fourth). With that, I think we can safely say his captain of the year label will carry over into 2011.

All the Jim domination aside, we can't forget to give a shout out to Tom H. for his big fish award (4+ pound pike) and the golf trio of Champ, Tom, and Tommy for taking the scramble in the rain.
As always, thanks go out to Judy and Dave for their hospitality. A great time it was.
Trail Head