Saturday, June 18, 2011

Session III - Badwater Bass Club - Lake Chemung (aka "The Brighton Brawl")

We had a little of everything last night at the third session of the Badwater Bass Club at Lake Chemung in Brighton. We had hot air balloons, motorized parachutes, a new sponsor, and another bass club who had to make up for the fact that they all have small penises by gunning their four or five boats right up the gut of the lake at 8 pm (guess whose kayak was right in the gut of the lake at 8 pm?).
The monster fish was not to be found though as the biggest catch of the night was by Greg V. that came in a little over two pounds. The old saying "you never get skunked on Chemung" proved true as everybody caught something; just not enough "legals" to be chest bumping each other. But still, we were fishing and that is a good thing.
Trail Head

Al and Eric in the background being picture whores