B.B. King. As the Samuel L. Jackson line in Pulp Fiction goes when he finds out that the "Wolf" is coming, "shi* negro!, that's all you had to say!"

B.B. King; that is all you have to say. So when the offer came from Slick and Tommy (there with their better halves) to journey to Mt. Pleasant Friday night to see King, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, and two other groups, it was a no-brainer. While buying the tickets, I overheard another ticket person telling an elderly lady that the show is six hours. Tommy didn't believe it but when it was all said and done, they were plucking the guitars from 7 PM until 1 AM. With a small venue such as Soaring Eagle for viewing, you couldn't ask for a better scene. You get your hand stamped, walk out in the casino area, lose $40 in black jack (yep), grab a beverage, hit the can, and come back with the same song still playing.
The 87-year old King can still pluck with the best of them. Kenny Wayne Shepherd and the other two groups (Larry McCray and Ana Popovic) were no slouches either.
Thanks to the McMahons and Meltons for letting a fifth wheel hang with your posse.
Trail Head
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