After eight grueling fish outings (we were fishing, there was no "gruel," unless you count waiting six hours for the fish that never came at Kent and Portage lakes), it was time to celebrate another season on the Badwater circuit. The final stats below tell the story as Team AMSOIL (AKA the Vaden brothers) dominated the league this year. Hopefully Greg V. will use his prize money winnings to finally wash his AMSOIL shirt as I've never seen the guy without it on. Yours truly has some work to do as I couldn't crack the AOY (Angler of the Year) point totals. Sad. Joe A., while hanging in the cellar near me in the standings, made it count each time he brought a legal fish aboard as he had the highest average pound per catch to garner the Rookie of the Year award. While a three-plus pound bass is not too bad and a nice big fish prize for Jeff V., the club members better get some bigger hooks next year as you would expect something larger for an award titled "Bassquatch."
A great season it was though. Good people.
Until next year, fish on Badwaters.
Trail Head
Greg V. - Angler of the Year |
Joe A. - Rookie of the Year |
Jeff V. - Bassquatch (big fish) award |
Gus - Mitchell award |